"The origins of the Liebster Blog award are somewhat unclear but the general consensus is that it originated in Germany, Liebster meaning favorite or dearest,to showcase bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. Upon accepting the award the recipient must then pass it on to five more blogs of note.
I am honored to accept this award! I am pleased to pass along 5 fantastic women who inspire me!
Here are the rules:
1- Choose FIVE up and coming blogs to award the Liebster to. Blogs must have less than 200 followers.
2- Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3-Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites.
I'll be giving it to the following talented ladies:
1. My girl Veronica Meras - http://www.scrapinwithmeras.blogspot.com
2. Glenda Brooks - http://www.glendabrooks.blogspot.com
3. Sherry - http://www.gonebuggy66.blogspot.com/
4.Super Happy Scrapper- http://www.superhappyscrapper.blogspot.com/
5. Lori's Artsy Obsession (don't be mad she has 221 subs) http://lorisartsyobsession.blogspot.com/
6. http://jamiek711designs.blogspot.com/
7.Jennie http://cricutmania.blogspot.com/
8. Chrissy- http://chrissysscrappyplace.blogspot.com/
9. Laurie- http://lauriecandoit.blogspot.com/
10. Glittered Rose http://glitteredroses.blogspot.com/
Congrats to You!!! AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteThanks I just found this